Atlanta's Voice For Justice.

An incubator that turns citizens into activists, giving them the knowledge, training, tools, and connections to fight for their communities.

What's The Strategy?


We love donations and are happy to ask for them, but our ultimate measure of success is when regular people join our work.


We believe in finding real victories that inspire working people to stand up for themselves at their jobs, and stand together as a society.


Lasting political change only comes from cultural change. Not the culture of what we watch on TV, but from the culture of how we think about ourselves and treat each other.

Love Our Work? Subscribe.

We help working people create better conditions at work and at home.

We'll keep you in the loop about our work so that you can share the word, stay in the know, or plug in when you're ready.

Whether it's social events, support groups, or online community, we'll also give you the interpersonal support you need to make it during a time of very weird changes in the city.

I'm New

Are you new here? This page is about values, culture, and what to expect at meetings.

About Mosaic

Our third year of operation. Who we are, where we're from, and the journey ahead. 

Events Calendar

This is the most up to date way to see our own events, along with stuff we're supporting in the wider community.

Next Steps

This page is a pretty through overview of the kind of organizing work we do, and the role that you can play.

You can subscribe, become a member, attend meetings, or start a group of your own!

Tell The Georgia State Assembly: The Rent Is Too Damn High!

Here are three action items you can take to make a difference:

  1. Learn about your rights. Understanding local housing laws and regulations can empower you to advocate for better conditions.
  2. Support Tenants’ Unions: Join or support tenants’ unions in your community. By coming together with other renters, you can amplify your voices, get better terms, and create a stronger support network.
  3. Advocate for Change: Join us in demanding the Georgia General Assembly immediately repeals the state-wide ban on rent control! 

How You Can Participate

Start A Project

You don't have to be a member to submit an idea - tell us what part of town you're in and we'll walk you through the process of sharing it with our collective.

  • What's great about it?
  • Second benefit here
  • Third benefit here
  • Sign Up
  • Check Email
  • Download

Become A Member

We're always thankful for your support. It helps us print literature, rent physical spaces, and provide people with the tools to serve. Members get to vote on what tasks we take on and how much. Be a partial owner.

Schedule A Call

Looking to talk in more detail and learn about what we do and how we do it? Want to share some kind of emerging event? Why not have a talk?

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress